This year, our Kindness Campaign was a month full of daily announcements, reflections and writing about quotes related to Social and Emotional Learning, wearing orange, signing Kindness Campaign bookmarks, and completing a Kindness Campaign Poster Contest.
Students in all grades Kindergarten through Fifth grade thought about and sketched what kindness means to them and considered symbols, shapes and colors that could be used to illustrate kindness. Once posters were complete, they were sorted and critiqued according to quality, use of art elements, completion, and neatness. The final posters were judged by members of the PTA, (Parent Teacher Association,) and then the top winners were named.
Congratulations to 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Winners: Tony, Lea, and Raghd, who received gift cards to Walmart along with their choice of a prize. Congratulations to Makeala, Sarah, Braylan, and Zoe for receiving Honorable Mention and their choice of a prize.
The winning posters are currently on display on the front hallway bulletin board in B Building.