Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Fall Festival 2019

Fall Festival is always a well-attended and exciting event for our staff, students and community.  Over the last couple years, our Parent Teacher Association, along with a small committee of staff members, plan, organize and coordinate this event. 

Fall Festival included games and activities for students to win small prizes and candy.  Other popular stations included the Spooky Room, the Dance Party Room, Face-painting, and the Cake Walk.  Pizza and drinks were served for dinner, and Fall Festival Attendees also had a chance to visit the annual Fall Book Fair. 

Fall Festival 2019 was an exciting evening full of decorations, fun, costumes, and more.  Special thanks to our PTA, Crosby Scholars, Parent Volunteer Group, Staff and Students for making this such as successful night!

Governor Cooper Visited

Governor Cooper visited our school in early February 2024 as part of his tour in celebration of "Year of the Public School."      ...