Monday, October 1, 2018

ArtistCorp Arts Engaged

Image result for uncsa artist corps

We are so excited to continue our partnership with the University of North Carolina School of the Arts ArtistCorp Arts Engaged Program.  This program places accomplished artists/musicians in schools to work with high-needs students. Members of ArtistCorp work directly with Pre-Kindergarten to high school students to strengthen community and learning through the use of music, movement, acting and art.  This year, we are fortunate to have 14 ArtistCorp Members working at our school.  We have an Integration Team that works with 6 classroom teachers to collaborate on integration lessons and activities.  We have a group of ArtistCorp Members who work with PreK in the Vivaldi Project to teach students how to play the violin.  We also have a small group of Members who work with band, orchestra and art through team teaching, one-on-one student rehearsals, set design, creation of props, and more.

For more information, visit:

Governor Cooper Visited

Governor Cooper visited our school in early February 2024 as part of his tour in celebration of "Year of the Public School."      ...