Black History Month at our school is a time of celebrating diversity and coming together in unity through the Performing Arts Focus of our A+/Magnet Program. It is a time to remember the hard truths of the not-so-distant past in order to teach our students to avoid racism and hatred but instead to work together in unity in order to accomplish common goals. At Diggs-Latham, we celebrate the entire month with our culminating event including an assembly celebration of music, dancing, spoken word and more. It is a time to build even stronger unity among our diverse staff and students and honor the sacrifices and accomplishments of African Americans who stood and fought to change injustices. Our Arts Integration and Performance focus in our A+/Magnet School provides such a rich means for this annual celebration.
Read the full story on the WSFCS District News Blog Article at
Check out the Winston-Salem Journal Article at Photos of the Assembly Celebration at
We also enjoyed the annual Staff Soul Food Luncheon during the last week of Black History Month
Staff and students had fun during Black History Spirit Week.
Each day had a theme related to Black History.
Click a link to see photos:
Afrocentric Attire Day:
Wear the Colors of Kwanzaa Days
Wear Orange for Unity Day