Wednesday, March 25, 2020


The Incentive Team, chaired by Mrs. Ochoa and Mrs. Alvarez, planned a Dodgeball Tournament at the beginning of 3rd quarter.  One afternoon during Specials, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classes met in the gym for a tournament of students against teachers.  Students signed up to play based on criteria they must have met based on the school-wide "PAWS" expectations.  

Grade Level teachers, assistants, language facilitators, the ESL and other staff members took turns on the faculty team playing against the grade level student teams.

Band teacher, Mr. Sigler, announced the games play-by-play and kept the crowd engaged cheering on each side.  

Games were neck-in-neck the whole time with teachers winning some rounds and students winning other rounds.

In the end, teachers won the most games, but everyone had a great time, used sportsmanship, encouraged each other, and enjoyed a well-deserved, hard-earned incentive for hard work and good conduct during class.

Governor Cooper Visited

Governor Cooper visited our school in early February 2024 as part of his tour in celebration of "Year of the Public School."      ...