Monday, October 7, 2019

PAWS Program

Our School-wide Behavior and Incentive Program has officially kicked off.  

Students and staff met in the gym for an assembly to review the expectations and details of P.A.W.S.  Since our school mascot is a Tiger, the acronym P.A.W.S. directly ties in our school #TigerPride.  

Special guest to the assembly included school mascot, Taz, the Tiger.  PAWS Commitee chairperson, Mr. Sigler, led the assembly with help from the Arts Team.  

As students work in their classrooms, transition in the hallways, have lunch in the cafeteria, learn in Specials, ride home on the bus, and interact and function all over the school, they are reminded of good conduct and excellent behavior by posters and displays outlining the PAWS Expections:  P-Prepared, A-A+ Attitude, W-Work Responsibly, S-Show Respect.  

As teachers find students keeping these expectations, they are rewarded with a PAW Buck, worth either $1 or $5, depending on the behavior.  These PAW Bucks can be spent in the school store for prizes, such as tee-shirts, slime, toys, candy, and more.

Governor Cooper Visited

Governor Cooper visited our school in early February 2024 as part of his tour in celebration of "Year of the Public School."      ...